Posts tagged debt free
6 Helpful Strategies For Managing Credit Card Debt That Work

In the second financial quarter of 2019, consumer debt in the United States was close to $14 trillion. That marked the 20th consecutive quarter for an increase in American debt. That debt included approximately $1 trillion in credit card debt, which is on the rise along with mortgage, auto and student loan debt. Increased spending is a sign of a strong economy and healthy job market, but it may also mean that many consumers are living beyond their means by spending credit rather than cash.

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How Can I Afford a Wedding Without Going Into Debt?

Getting married can be a really expensive thing to do. WeddingWire’s 2019 Newlywed Report found that the average wedding costs $38,700. That price tag includes the engagement ring, the ceremony, the reception and the honeymoon.

Not every couple just starting out has that much money in their savings accounts or parents with pockets that deep. But with planning and creativity, you can afford a wedding without going into debt.

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