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Is Hiring Financial Debt Advisor a Good Idea?

If you are looking at your finances and wondering if you could be doing something better or different, it may be time for you to consult a financial advisor. There are many ways a financial advisor may be able to help you. It is essential to understand what a financial debt advisor does or does not do. You should determine if you can afford the services of a financial advisor before you jump in. Continue reading this article to find out more information about financial advisors and how they may be able to help you.

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Should You Hire a Financial Advisor?

Ideally, everyone should have a financial debt advisor. Just about every person can benefit from having someone to check in which every month, especially when a significant financial decision or investment must be made. However, financial advisors are not always the most affordable option.

There are several signs that it may be time for you to contact a financial advisor. First, if you have just had a life changing event, such as marriage, the birth of a child, or divorce, you may want to consider a financial advisor. If you are finding yourself lost as the best way to handle your money, getting expert help is a good idea. If you have debt that you want to pay down but also want to begin investing in your future, a financial advisor is well suited to help you on that path. It is essential to determine if you can afford to pay the fees for a financial advisor without making your financial situation worse. If so, then now is the time to consider it.

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How Much Will it Cost?

The cost is going to depend on the financial advisor, the company, and the services provided. While the exact cost may change, there are some costs that you can expect. First, many advisors charge an annual retainer. This gives you a comprehensive plan of services that the advisor may offer. This usually costs several thousands of dollars each year. Second, an advisor may charge a percentage of your assets invested (total account balance) with that individual. This is typically a flat percentage rate, from between 0.25 percent to 1 percent each year. The benchmark throughout the industry is 1 percent, but it could be a little higher or a little lower.

Some advisors charge by the hour. If so, you can expect a rate of several hundreds of dollars per hour. It is essential for you to determine what you can afford and find an advisor that can offer you services within that range.

What Are the Benefits?

There are a number of benefits of consulting an expert like a financial advisor to help you. First, they can create a roadmap for your financial future that helps you achieve your goals. In some aspects, you no longer have to worry about making decisions about your money. You give your goals to the expert, and that person decides where your money should go and when. You just have to follow their advice. This helps prevent you from making emotional decisions and purchases.

An advisor is a third party without emotional investment. It is easy for this person to guide you because their emotions are not tied to the decision. As a result, there is a much lower risk of purchasing items that you cannot afford and will put you in a worse position.


One of the critical ways a financial advisor can assist you in planning for a healthy future financially is to manage your debt. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of debt you have. It can pile up quickly and without you realizing it. You may feel like you are constantly using all of your money to pay your debt, which leaves you no money and forces you to use credit cards and drive up your debt. It can feel like a vicious cycle with no end in sight.

An advisor knows the first step is to stop the bleeding. An advisor creates a map of your cash flow and determines where problems exist. You will have to share all of your documents and financial information with your advisor. You must be completely honest about what you are spending and where. If you are not honest, the advisor can not get a full picture of your finances. You must bring taxes, loan documents, credit card statements, outstanding loan information, and pay stubs. The advisor will look at your debts and how much you have to pay, as well as your income. From there, they will create a budget that helps you meet your goals. Your part in this is you have to stick to the budget. It may not always be easy because your advisor is going to remove expenses that are not necessary.

Restructuring Debts

There are various types of debts, and you may have many different debts. These may include a mortgage, car loan, credit cards, and other loans. There are some debts that help you, while others do not. For example, a mortgage usually has a lower interest rate and allows you to earn equity in your house while you are paying the mortgage. Thus, it allows you to make a large house purchase without having to pay the entire amount at once. Other debts, like credit cards, are not usually helpful. They have high interest rates and quickly get to a point where you may not be able to afford them.

A financial advisor can analyze all of your debt and help you determine a smart schedule for repayment. First, an advisor is going to prioritize your most expensive accounts at the top. If you have any accounts that are in delinquency status, they will also be moved to the top. Next, an advisor can determine if you should restructure your debt in a way that is more beneficial to you. For example, you may be able to take out a second mortgage on your house to pay off your credit card debt. A mortgage would have a lower interest rate, and it will not continue to grow each month. This would allow you to pay off your credit card debt all at once.

Long-Term Planning

While paying off your debt is a major reason why you would consult a financial advisor, it is not the only one. It may even be your first focus. First, you want to consider your long-term financial plan. Once you get your highest interest credit cards paid off, your advisor may recommend that you begin to slow down your repayment plan and work towards your long-term goals, which may include your retirement plan. Your advisor will work with you to create a plan that outlines the actions you need to take to reach your goals. Your plan includes milestones that can be an indicator to you that you are working towards your goal. In addition, the advisor can help you be mindful of areas where you can misstep and make poor financial decisions.

Need More Help?

Financial decisions can be challenging to make, even when you have an advisor helping you. Sometimes, you need a little extra help. This is where the Goalry Mall can assist you. We have all the resources you need to make the best financial decisions. We have articles, videos, and other resources to help answer all your questions about finances. In addition, you will find information about paying off your debt, retirement planning, and budgeting. Before you need to make any financial decisions, visit the Goalry Mall to make sure you have all the information you need to be able to make the best financial choices for you and your family.


When you have to face a large amount of debt, it may be time to consult a financial advisor. You may have a lot of questions that an advisor can help you answer. In addition to paying off your debt, an advisor can help you plan for your retirement. In addition to planning for retirement, you will be able to create a roadmap for working towards your goals, with measurable steps to help you get there.